Panic Disorder/Panic Attack

Online Psychiatric Mental Health Clinic in Tucson, AZ

panic disoder panic attack online psychiatric treatment and therapy in tucson arizona

Panic Disorder/Panic Attack Treatment-Online Psychiatric Mental Health Services in Tucson, AZ

Panic disorder involves experiencing recurrent panic attacks and excessive worry about future attacks or potential harm. A panic attack is a sudden onset of intense fear or discomfort, usually peaking within 10 minutes.

At Foothills Psychiatric Clinic in Tucson, Arizona, Simon George, PMHNP, a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, along with his dedicated team, diagnoses and treats panic disorders. Our goal is to effectively reduce the frequency of these attacks, alleviate fear and anxiety associated with them, and provide evidence-based therapies, treatments, and medications to help you lead a stress-free life.

We offer Online psychiatric services/telepsychiatry for panic disorder and other mental health treatments. Reach out to schedule your consultation today.

Panic Disorder/Panic Attack FAQs

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorder is a form of anxiety disorder characterized by frequent and sudden episodes of intense panic or fear. Individuals with this disorder experience unexpected panic attacks, which are abrupt surges of fear or discomfort. These episodes can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack, including shaking and a rapid heartbeat. Panic disorder typically begins in the late teenage years or early adulthood and is more prevalent in women than men.

To prevent future attacks, individuals might avoid situations that trigger these episodes, such as strenuous exercise or places where previous attacks occurred. However, this avoidance can exacerbate the condition over time.

How does Panic Disorder or Attacks affect a person- Causes and Symptoms

People with panic disorder may have symptoms such as:

– sweating
– trembling
– dizziness
– difficulty breathing
– racing heart
– tingly or numb hands
– chest pain
– stomach pain or nausea
– fear of dying or losing control
– worrying when the next panic attack will occur

Foothills Psychiatric Clinic in Tucson, Arizona, specialize in online treatment of Anxiety Disorders including Panic Disorders. Get in touch with our staff today.

Causes of Panic Disorder:
Panic disorder may run in families, but it’s unclear why. Researchers believe that certain parts of the brain and biological processes are involved in fear and anxiety. They see panic attacks as false alarms, where our survival instincts kick in too strongly or frequently. This cycle can lead to sudden panic attacks, often mistaken for a heart attack.

Panic Disorder/Panic Attack Online Treatment and Medication in Tucson, AZ

How is Panic Disorder Treated

Foothills Psychiatric Clinic in Tucson, AZ provides comprehensive online treatment for patients suffering from Panic Disorders or Panic Attacks. Our mental healthcare provider will do a thorough diagnosis by asking questions and doing tests to understand your condition, medical history, and other health issues. Based on the diagnosis and test results, our specialists will offer treatment options to help you live a better life.
Some treatment options that can help to reduce the effects and overall mental health for patients in Tucson and nearby areas are:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-researched form of therapy often used for treating panic disorder. It teaches new ways of thinking, behaving, and reacting during panic attacks, which can reduce their frequency. Exposure therapy, a component of CBT, helps confront fears associated with panic disorder, often accompanied by relaxation techniques
Medication Management
Foothills Psychiatric Mental Healthcare Clinic in Tucson, AZ provides online medication management to stabilize your condition and reduce the symptoms and future attacks, and help you live a stress-free life.

If you or someone you know would benefit from our specialized Panic Disorder treatment services in Tucson or other nearby locations, please contact us at 480-608-4877

Request Consultation for Panic Disorder or Panic Attack today

If someone is suffering from panic disorder, don’t hesitate to contact our leading online mental health clinic specializing in all types of personality disorder treatments in Tucson and nearby areas of Arizona. Foothills Psychiatric Clinic is prepared to offer the professional care and assistance you require to regain control of your life. Schedule your consultation today and begin your journey towards healing and recovery. Remember, you don’t have to walk on the path to wellness all alone; we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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